You don't have to throw away your friends to be independent. In fact, your independence is reinforced with good friends. When your friend needs someone to talk to, be there for them. Be trustworthy. Do not gossip or tell anyone about your friends' secrets or personal matters. Even if they didn't say anything about it. Be a strong person for your friends and loved ones. It not only shows you're selfless but pretty soon you'll learn how to deal with any situation that comes your way because of your friends' experiences.
With the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, the role of an accountant will change but not be eliminated. Think of mechanics. You still need the mechanic, but the mechanic will have new things to learn. The new technology will let accountants spend their time on the highest leveraged activities. Consider the role before Excel. People thought Excel would do our work for us, but it didn’t. But it is a better spreadsheet and made the job easier. Technology is changing at an exponential rate. Ignorance and apathy will put the slower movers at a disadvantage. It is expensive and it is complex, but if you don’t experiment with it, you will be in danger of falling behind. Now, remember when you first saw the internet? What about when you received a PC or a laptop? It is just another tool. It is a new tool that will change the role but not to make it obsolete. Those accountants who can embrace new technology, AI and blockchain will be well ahead of the game.
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