K.A.S Cognitive :knowledge Affective : emotional Psycho motor : Manual (skills) glob in broke, try to fix it on the spot A.S.K Teaching presence Social presence Cognitive presence Market penetration => gift it to someone W: Wrap it up with a plan "A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow" -chandni's proverb [a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush] This step is crucial because it should set things in motion quickly. You need to create a developed plan and when doing so there must be consistent steps outline. To approach the planning activity in a consistent and efficient manner the "LAMA" process is time sensitive and is anchored by your overall smart goal. Breakdown of LAMA: L: Learn A: Apply M: Measure A: Assess Learn: Some form of learning should take place (Cognitive) [CAP] Apply: Implement what was learn soon after learning is completed (action) [AIDA] Dalai LAMA Wikipedia Prosper=grow (flourish) :) M: Measure: there should be a method of measuring when and how the new learning is used. Self assessment A: Assess: review the impact of the new skill on the performance ; any success should be attributed to the new skill and encouraged. IDENTIFYING THE FIRST STEP • the first step to any development activity is to learn. For the overall development of a person, he or she should be allowed to learn something new. There are many benefits to making learning a deliberate practice in coaching process : (i) the person feels valued in the investment you are making in them (ii) you demonstrate that you care, this helps to faster a better working relationship Jack of all trades = master of none (iii) you give a chance for a role model to become a mentor (Iv) new skills learned could be shared with others GETTING MOTIVATED Motivating someone is an essential part of coaching. Many time, Motivating by money alone is not enough there should be something else. What is critical here is the relationship that is build. There should be a way to create the supportive and motivative environment the person needs to flourish. This process is called the five Bs The five Bs: 1 be consistent in your coaching (consistency) 2 be respectful with the coachee 3 be caring and watch coachee's behavior for signs of personal issues. The goal is to guide them when they are experiencing problems without getting personally involved 4 be flexible and find ways to praise the coachee. 5 be a cheerleader and celebrate even the smallest successes. The IMPORTANCE OF TRUST "Without trust, words become the hollow sound of a wooded gong. With trust, words become life itself"-Anonymous WHAT IS TRUST? Having a trusting relationship with the coachee is essential to the coaching process. Without trust we can rarely get to the cause of issues that could be affecting the cause. Trust is build over time and is accomplished through your actions. In coaching, trust could be defined as the the ability to instill CONFIDENCE and RELIANCE in you by being fair, truthful, honorable and competent in what you do as a coach. Lacking in any of these areas could hinder your instill trust into the coachee. Roti poule, mo pilon in sec, temperature tro fort #Deven Trust and coachee : Effective coaching is done in a trusting environment. The coaching session is used as a tool for building up the coachee. In this session do not scold or blame or sanctioned or give Negative things should be addressed but should not be the only one discussed. When coaching we should AVOID being a D.O.P.E D.O.P.E stands for : •degrading your coachee •Ostracising your coachee (using the coaching session as a means for disciplinary action) •Punishing the coachee •Evaluating the coachee Coaching should be a place for encouragement and development Building trust: Building trust takes practice and dedication to being sensitive to the coachee's needs. Here are eight steps to building trust with your coachee 1 maintain positive body language 2 listen to them intently and speak less 3 always respect your coachee 4 always keep things confidential 5 keep your promises 6 be honest and transparent 7 be confident 8 tell them you believe in them Providing feedback : When you are comfortable the coachee will be comfortable. The feedback sandwich is a method of introducing feedback to your coachee surrounded by praise. Remember feedback is delivered in a positive manner with a positive tone and with focus on the message to be delivered. Use P.O.P to deliver feedback starting with praise then delivering the opportunity for growth and ending with praise again. P.O.P stands for: Praise - opportunity - praise Praise opportunity for growth Praise: John your performance is going well because you are practicing a lot and I appreciate that (this is praise) Opportunity for growth : Here is something I noticed each time there is a public holiday you cannot practice because there are guest at home, you should try and find some time to practice even then Praise: Either you are capable of finding some time to practice even when there are guests here at home because you have a will.
With the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, the role of an accountant will change but not be eliminated. Think of mechanics. You still need the mechanic, but the mechanic will have new things to learn. The new technology will let accountants spend their time on the highest leveraged activities. Consider the role before Excel. People thought Excel would do our work for us, but it didn’t. But it is a better spreadsheet and made the job easier. Technology is changing at an exponential rate. Ignorance and apathy will put the slower movers at a disadvantage. It is expensive and it is complex, but if you don’t experiment with it, you will be in danger of falling behind. Now, remember when you first saw the internet? What about when you received a PC or a laptop? It is just another tool. It is a new tool that will change the role but not to make it obsolete. Those accountants who can embrace new technology, AI and blockchain will be well ahead of the game.
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